About the alternative words to “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”
Tonight, we are using an alternate set of words to this traditional Advent hymn, written in 2017 by Juanita Austin, a United-Church-er here in BC. These words recast the message of the hymn into the context of the situations faced by refugees in times past and in our own time.
Statement from author Juanita Austin: “I love this ancient hymn with its haunting melody and sense of longing. The original words come from the 9th century and reflect the Babylonian captivity of the ancient Israelite people, and their longing for a saving Messiah. In our world today, 108.4 million people (as of 2022) are living as refugees, and millions more are internally displaced. Our whole world is in need of God’s grace, peace, and wisdom. We need to participate in God’s gifts as we actively live our faith, making welcome our own heart’s call.”