On this day, we are asked to contemplate – What would life, our world, be like if Christ truly Reign? Life is flipped upside down, and value is placed on generosity, radical generosity – like the generosity of an old widow.
We end our season of journeying with the Holy Currencies with this question as well: Who / What is our Master that we serve?
Money can be a conduit for commitment, a currency of love.
Money is a current, a carrier, a conduit for our intentions.
Money is a valuable resource only when used to further and exchange the other currencies of Truth, Relationship, Gracious Leadership, Wellness, and Time & Place.
Each one of us is asked to look at our own generosity,
In ALL the currencies, including money,
and allowing ourselves to give of ourselves,
our currencies from a place of trust
that it is by participating in flow, not constricting the flow,
or relying on a flow from previous generations or choices,
that we all enhance the ministry capacity of this congregation.