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Our new Adult Faith Minister, Ryan Tristin Chapman, will be joining our ministry team starting on November 1, 2020.

Ryan grew up in the Shuswap. He started his Masters of Divinity studies at Emanuel College in Toronto in 2017 and completed his degree at the Vancouver School of Theology. He did his internships at Trinity Grace United Church in Vancouver 2018 - 2020 as the Community Connection Minister; at James Bay United Church in Victoria 2016-2017 as the Congregational Minister. He has a strong interest in all aspects of Social Justice and Outreach and is commited to life long learning. Ryan Tristin Chapman was ordained on October 16, 2020, during the Celebration of Ministry held as part of the PMRC General Meeting. You can watch here his ordination, happening at around 50:30.

United Churches of Langley is blessed that God has called Ryan to us.  We are excited to have him as a member of our congregation, and we look forward to him sharing his faith journey, knowledge and experiences with us and also within our Community.

We thank the Search Committee who worked hard throughout the hiring process, much complicated by the COVID-19 pandemic: Dale Hewitt, Dimitri Kosturos, Jamie Langston, Sharon McMath, Janice McTaggart, Tegan Ness, William Ness and Pat Thebaud.

You can watch here Ryan's lovely introduction in his own words.