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The first of our two gardening work parties was a huge success! On Wednesday, June 19th, at 9 am, a group of enthusiastic gardeners gathered outside the church building in Murrayville. In the photo from left of the back row are: Carol Sawyer, Diane Frew, Kathy and Garry Palmer, Lisa Halliday, Masako Ryan, Rena Hansen, Tom Radatzke, Sharon Chrismas, and Rev. Sophia Ducey (not on the photo). The weather was perfect for gardening. They cleaned up the south and west side of the garden and spread mulch.

The second garden work party is taking place on Saturday, June 22, from 9:00 am to noon to finish the garden beautifying project, focusing on the flower beds in front of the building. 

Come One, Come All, no matter your age or ability or agility.

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