December 2 Holly & Mistletoe Christmas Community Event (Murrayville)
12:00-4:00 pm, Nativity Gallery
12:30-3:30 pm, Holly Luncheon
4:00-5:30 pm, Mistletoe Concert
December 3 Advent 1 Hope—We are visited by an Angel
9:00 am, Worship Service (Fort Langley)
9:00 am, Contemplative Worship (Murrayville)
10:30 am, Worship Service (Murrayville)
8:00 pm, Advent Meditation (Fort Langley)
December 10 Advent 2 Peace—We are visited by a Shepherd
White Gift Sunday
9:00 am, Worship Service (Fort Langley)
9:00 am, Contemplative Worship (Murrayville)
10:30 am, Worship Service (Murrayville)
3:00 pm, LACC Ecumenical Advent Choral Service (Murrayville)
8:00 pm, Advent Meditation (Fort Langley)
December 17 Advent 3 Joy—We are visited by Sela the Sheep
9:00 am, Worship Service (Fort Langley)
9:00 am, Contemplative Worship (Murrayville)
10:30 am, Cantata: Sing Joy to All the World (Murrayville)
8:00 pm, Advent Meditation (Fort Langley)
December 21
6:00 pm, The Longest Night Service (Fort Langley)
December 24 Advent 4 Love—We are visited by an Inn Keeper
9:00 am, Worship Service (Fort Langley)
9:00 am, Contemplative Christmas (Murrayville)
10:30 am, Worship Service: The Meaning of Christmas (Murrayville)
Christmas Eve
6:00 pm, Family Service: Stories, Carols & Candlelight (Murrayville)
9:00 pm, Carols and Candlelight (Fort Langley)
December 25 Christmas Day—No services
December 31 New Year’s Eve
9:00 am, Worship Service (Fort Langley)
9:00 am, Contemplative Worship (Murrayville)
10:30 am, Worship Service (Murrayville)